Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wanna Know What's In My Stash?!

Hi guys! I'm not sure how many of you guys are subscribed to me on YouTube, but I get requested quite a bit on there to do a detailed nail polish collection video. I havn't done one yet because my collection grows almost daily and by the time I film one and upload it, I'll probably have added another couple polishes to my collection so the video won't even be up to date. Sad, I know! LOL. "Then stop shopping for nail polishes Amanda!" Seriously, it's easier said then done. So, what I've decided to do, for anyone that is interested in knowing what polishes I have, I have created a little tab titled "Nail Polish Collection List", and there I have listed in alphabetical order by brand (you can  thank my OCD) all the polishes in my collection. Since I do monthly hauls and record haul videos on You Tube, I thought I would update my list on here every month as well. You can find the tab up top but in case you don't see it, I'll link it here as well.
See you guys in the next post!!


  1. Same thing with me! I get requests to do collection videos but right now my collection is a mess and I need to organize it better! If you lived by me I'd totally hang out with you and we'd probably swap polishes and talk about polishes all day! lol

  2. Totally! That would be so fun! I am in the middle of organizing my polishes too! I'm actually attempting (with the help if my hubby) to build a couple racks myself. Its been a slow process but I'll be happy when they're all done!

  3. Wow, this is the most amazing list! I thought I had a big collection until now xoox
